Friday, August 18, 2006
What I plan to do next.
This is a picture of the one I made several months ago. I made up the pattern as I went along I hope to be able to make another like it. I should have jotted down some notes as I went along. If I get some yarn in the next few days I will start it next week.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
This is the pink. I think I used flavoraid watermelon. The one on the right was first batch. The left was the second. I like this method. I can get 2 colors from the same pack this way. I now let my children have koolaid just so I can have some around to use with my FOE and Wool.
My next try will be rainbow FOE. I am going to try to do about 10 yards off all different colors. I will post pictures and let you know if it worked for me. OH! Anyone who wants to color FOE and hasn't yet might want to look up the right way to do it. This way worked great for me but I never took the time to read up on "how" to do it. I like to try and see how things work. I know lots of people would rather take the time and read and do it right. I would love to do things the right way but I never have the time to find out the right way.
UPDATE- From the time I posted this I did get a few minutes to look up info on using koolaid and it looks like koolaid is a good choice to color FOE with. No need to add salt. I read you don't need to add any vinegar because koolaid has enough acid in it already. I will keep using vinegar on my reds. For me it seems to help the color set with red- pink colors.
FOE diapers.
This is another denim pocket diaper. I cut up my husband's old jeans, add a hidden layer of Procare and Alova for the inner. This is bound with some of the FOE I colored with Koolaid.