Sunday, January 21, 2007

Lazy mom's leg warmers (baby legs)

I like making baby legs. I think they are fast and fun. I still don't know how to work my serger well so doing tiny things like baby legg warmers is how I practice on it. I was in Walmart before Christmas and I saw a bunch of toe socks. They had cute winter patterns on them. I noticed that they are flat they have no heal. I started thinking about how much easier they would be to make baby legs with. I bought a few pair and I have decided that it will be hard for me to find an easier way of making them than this!

I took 1 pair of toe socks and I cut off the toes.

Some color from the toes was still on them. I used that as my guide to serge along. I think you could use a zigzag stitch on a sewing machine.

That is it! That is all I did!

This is them on her. She is climbing up the back of the sofa. She is a climber. We don't let her do it but that doesn't stop her from trying over and over again.


Holly said...

I have a sofa climber, too. Sigh. :~)

Taylorsville Roofing said...

Nice blog youu have